Τρίτη 29 Ιουλίου 2014

The 50 Best Butts in Sports

The 50 Best Butts in Sports

best backsides in sports
UPDATE: In the 21st century, butts are kind of like produce – always in season. So it shouldn’t be too tough to wrangle up a couple of bonus butts from the year 2014 and introduce you to some new blood on the subject. I know, I know, it’s a tough job, but somebody has to do it. Otherwise we’d be letting the naysayers and ass-nostalgists out there dominate the conversation, and that just wouldn’t be right.

When I was first handed this assignment, my first thought was, “50 best backsides in sports? That’s easy. They’re all surfers and beach volleyball players.” However, while surfers and beach volleyball players did indeed make a very strong showing here—15 out of 50, or 30%—we ended with a pretty nice variety of sports, and the top two spots actually went to soccer players.
Now, what do we mean by “in sports”? Well, here we mean basically anyone who makes their living of of sports. So hot wives and girlfriends are out (unless they are also athletes), but reporters, ring girls, and cheerleaders are in. That being said, the vast majority of the women on the list are actual athletes.
Ready to take a look? Then get clicking on those arrows.

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